Monday, October 09, 2006


Friends said it's good and a privilege to be the youngest in a society or an organisation. Well, I don't agree with that. What is so special to the 'baby'? Is it because the seniors will protect and pamper the young ones? Or less work will be given or guidance is provided instead of scolding? Nowadays, or I can say in this century, the young ones will work like slaves, to the hard-working and well-diciplince ones, worst I guess.

Ppl will like those who work hard and smart but anyone of you with these qualities got scoldings and negative responses from the seniors when you tried to help and solve their problems n works they tried to run away? What did u guys do?

I'd been searching for the answers and ways to solve as well as the personalities I should have when facing them... should I change and should I follow them? Should I ignore them and carry on with my style of work? Or... how can I make them stop gossiping and commenting about ppl juz because they are lazy to do work.

I'm getting fed up with the society I m now. I m very upset, miserable cum angry with some of my members in my panel. If u happened to read this (where I supposed u won't as most of u don't even know how to use 'Microsoft Words' :o( ), or if u know about this post from others.....please remember what is the motive of our job and not to run away from your responsibities or finding ways to explain when others know about these.

We are the role models to the future generations where they ll be the role models to our own children after that. Please shower them with loves, cares, knowledge and good morality.

I know we are not the greatest or the fairies from the heaven who can defitinely make great changes but at least WE TRY...Who else can help them besides their parents n what about those who from broken families? So, members, I can't do this alone...

NeVer AsK fOr ThIngs tO B eAsiEr, AlWaYs AsK YoUrs3lF tO B BeTt3R


At 12:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my dear little ann, everything fine there? wondering y so long time u din update ur blog?!! i hope everything is fine but juz too busy 4 u...

At 9:16 PM, Blogger Sue said...

hi...yeah i m fine over here. update my blog?? would like to but don't know where to start ... hehe

At 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

falling in love ler.. hehe..

At 12:44 AM, Blogger Sue said...

hmm... no la...i wish i m... hehe ;p


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