Saturday, January 14, 2006


What is job for u?? Is job important to us?? It wd be YES to me. A job makes my life goes on. A job makes me upgraded. But y some of them out there find a job and have fun during working time?? Some of them are very efficient in 'pushing' or avoiding work from coming to them. How do they do that?? How do they talk to their boss or divide all the work to others??

Somehow, this matter comes to my mind. I was thinking of trying to be like them. It's juz an experiment ok... I juz wanna know how they feel and make up reasons to avoid receiving new work or project. But I failed!! I couldn't make it. I was tongue tied. I couldn't think of even a reason. Am I stupid?? I'll only accept and try my best to do all the work given to me cz I know I am responsible for it.

Sometimes, I am not statified with the work given as it is not fair I can see. There are time I work like hell with some of the good ones but the others juz sitting there and chatting and gossiping about others. Hey... remember... offices are not places for us to gossip and chat non stop. Of course, free chatting is a need sometimes in our life but non stop chatting is not advisable!!

Some even worse... ignoring the supervisors' or the boss' warning!! Funny eh?? Don't they worry getting set by the senior assistances?? No, they don't actually. Why yah?? Let me tell you, those are ppl with 'status'... How can this happen in this environment?? We should respect and follow the instructions no matter how 'high' our status is. If really to look at status then the higher status should be the boss. The boss is always our boss and it doesn't relate to the personal status.

I was mad at times but now I am used to it. But after listening and been advised by my colleague, WL, I m happy with my work now. She told me not to judge or mad at those 'unimportant' ppl in the office. She advised me to do my part and help others according to my ability. Then I ll be happier. I practised it and still practising it. And it's true, I become happier and I work with statisfactory as I learn a lot from my work...

Thanx WL, I appreciate ur advice very much!! You've made my life more meaningful and happier!


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